How to clean a manicure vacuum cleaner properly

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To work effectively with a manicure vacuum cleaner, you need to regularly and properly care for it. Special attention should be paid to the filter.
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To work effectively with a manicure vacuum cleaner, you need to regularly and properly care for it. Special attention should be paid to the filter.
Remember to always use the following protective equipment: mask and gloves.
The cleanliness of the filter determines the overall performance of the unit. It should catch volatile dust easily and hold it securely inside. If you feel that the suction power has weakened noticeably, it’s time to clean the filter or empty the bag if it’s a desktop vacuum cleaner.

Why is it important to care for the nail dust collector in time?

If the device is not systematically maintained, the filter status is not monitored and cleaning is not carried out as necessary, the device’s power may reduce significantly. It stops drawing air strongly enough, which means hazardous dust is left around. A dusty workspace also looks unesthetic, makes the nail artist uncomfortable and deters the client. In addition, a fully clogged filter element becomes a source of bacterial buildup and unpleasant smell. Nail masters who specialize in podology should dispose of used material as often as possible. There is always a possibility that the dust contains opportunistic pathogens, so it is better to avoid risks and make it a rule to look after the vacuum cleaner regularly. This will not only prolong its service life and lead to a reasonable saving of consumables, but it will also protect your health.
мощность педикюрнрой вытяжки 40 Вт

4BLANC Alizé fine filter with high efficiency

The 4BLANC Alizé floor nail vacuum cleaner is equipped with a filter made of specially treated cellulose, which makes it more durable and long-lasting. It has a hundred times greater filtering area thanks to the special folding of the paper in an accordion shape. It catches volatile particles over 3 microns and cleans 99.98 percent of the air. Although even the most effective technology can be useless if you don’t clean the filter in time.

How to clean a manicure vacuum cleaner?

You should remember that the filter is consumable and it cannot remain in use indefinitely. How long it lasts depends on the device load and the specifics of the nail artist. On average, it can be used from 2 to 6 months with correct cleaning.

We recommend cleaning the filter 3−4 times a month, after approximately 20−30 manicure or pedicure procedures. When the suction power significantly reduces, the filter should be replaced with a new one. Throw out the dust inside the plastic bag. Do not wash the filter. Remember that replacing the filter element is always a safer and more efficient option.

Detailed instructions on how to clean your manicure vacuum cleaner are attached to the 4 BLANC nail extractor. They describe step by step every point involved in cleaning the device.

How to clean the body of the 4BLANC Alizé manicure vacuum cleaner?

It is equally important to look after the body of a manicure vacuum cleaner. Wipe the device inside and outside only with a dry cloth. The exception is the upper block. It is acceptable to wipe it with a cloth soaked in disinfectant. Accumulated dust from the fan blades can be wiped with a soft brush.

Following these simple care recommendations, the device will work properly without losing its power for a long time. This will save your money and guarantee quality work.
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